It is a common question across the scooter world. What is the difference between the Piaggio Hi-PER-2 and the Hi-PER-1 engine?The engine used in almost all models including the Piaggio NRG, Gilera Runner, Piaggio TPH, Gilera Stalker, Piaggio Zip and so on. Answers are usually very brief and inaccurate. Therefore TuningMatters.com is giving you a proper review on the differences of these 2 engine blocks.
First things first
First of all I want to outline that additionally to the differences that I list here, there are some further things to consider. The new engines are also available as a disc brake version. Unless you replace the complete brake system it is not possible to swap your drum brake engine with a disk brake one.
The Hi-PER-2 block is sometimes also called Hyper2 and Hiper2 engine. The old Piaggio engine is sometimes also referred to as Hyper1, Hyper, or Hiper1 engine.
In this review I will only discuss the engine blocks for 2-stroke carburetor engines. The injection “purejet” models are currently still not a good basis for tuning and were therefore left out.
Also, there is a Hi-PER-2-Pro version. It is used in the latest Runner and NRG models. It is not true that this engine is the “purejet” injection model. However, the only difference we are aware of is the low-pressure connector next to the intake. If you know more about this model please let us know in the comments. It is not covered in this review.
On all pictures in this post the Hi-PER-2 engine is always the top one, whereas the old Piaggio engine is the bottom one. The pictured engines are in a used condition and especially the old model has seen some better days…
Can I replace my old engine with a Hi-PER-2 engine?
The most important thing to know is that both engines can be used interchangeably. The differences are minor and most of the parts like cylinders, reed valves, exhausts, manifolds, etc. can be simply fitted to the other engine. The variomatic in the new models has changed slightly and should therefore be replaced with the new one. The same is true for the torque driver and the primary gear.
It does not matter so much if you buy a LC or an AC model since they both are the same. To fit the original waterpump to an AC block tho, it is necessary to drill a little hole…

Where are the differences now that matter: Take a closer look at the picture (all pictures always show the Hi-PER-2 on top and the old Piaggio engine on the bottom). You’ll notice two screw holes on the old engine. these were used to replace the gear oil and were very annoying to all of us. With the new engine these screws have been replaced with a drilling on the side of the engine where an oil dipstick is now used. To me this is one of the biggest improvements of the new engines…

Gear box
For the next difference we will need to turn the block around. The gear box has seen some additional changes. On the old models the primary gear used to have its own ball bearing inside of the block. On the new model this has been moved from the block to the transmission cover to improve stability. This also means that the primary gear is not interchangeable between these two engines!

A last notable difference can be found on the ignition side of the block. The newer models use a cable connector whereas the old blocks had the cabling going through the block. I believe this should be mentioned even though it should not be a problem for anyone to build a workaround if he runs into any problems with the cables.
Piaggio engine gallery
I have created a gallery with in detail, high resolution pictures of both engines for you to compare. Find this gallery below. The Hi-PER-2 engine is always the top one, whereas the old Piaggio engine is the bottom one.
I’ve got a Hi-PER 2 pro engine, you are correct in saying the only difference is the vacuum outlet on the side of the cases by the reedblock, everything else is the same.
If you have a none pro set of cases but need the vacuum outlet for the fuel pump used on the newshape Runners you can punch it out of the old cases from behind, drill or punch out the blacking cap in the hole (depends on how new they are, some have the hole and a blacking cap and the earlier ones have solid aluminum there) and press the outlet in.
Hi Luke,
Thanks for the feedback! Really appreciated.
the most important differences between the Hyper 2 and the Hyper 2 pro are this:1) the first engine is used on the air cooled models like zip 2 stokes (not SP) typhoon and nrg power air cooled 2) the second engine is used on the liquid cooled models like zip SP runner and nrg power liquid cooled 3) the Hyper 2 hasn’t the rear disk brakes and the Hyper 2pro has it (not the zip SP)
Hy.I have a 1995 Piaggio Typhoon.My transmission overheated and broke.
Now with this ocassion,i want to swap the old engine with hyper 2 Water Cooled and disk brake.
Wikipedia says that any Hyper 2 engine since 1998 can be water or air cooled (depending on the version it is built as) the same beeing true with disk brakes.
I can all the engine can be converted but not all have disk from the factory.
I also need to use a bigger wheel to have space for the disk.
Is the disk hydralic (like the front) or cable ?
Thus,what engine do i have to search for Hyper 2 or Hyper 2 pro (is second i heard are used only in race scooters thus is very rare and expensive even used) ?
Any engine since 1998 used on NRG (wich also has factory mounted bigger wheels) or specificly search for Hyper 2 PRO version ?
I’ve had two old hi-per engines, but they looked different where the large oil belt pulley sits. They had a stud just like the newer engines?
Oh wait, i guess thats where the water pump shaft comes out?
Haven’t had the pleasure of owning a LC version.
Hi Carsten,
Yes, exactly. The water cooled version has a little hole for bearings and such. The air cooled model is closed and has this shaft hanging out there.
hi,i have a problem with starting a gilera 50 gp dna 2t 53 plate really hard to start once it is started it revs upto 5k then spits and dies and it is not a clean rev spluttering as if the spark is stopping and starting but checked plug etc sparks fine.wont even start using starting spray any suggestions would be greatly received thanks.
It is really difficult to answer this question without further infromation. It would be better to visit a scooter forum like scootertuning.de and answer your question there. However, most starting issues are related to a faulty carburetor setup.
Hi Daniel.
I just got a NRG. I love it. I am super new to two wheels. Service guy told me that long turning for first starting in cold is normal. And the engine is brand new. Can you explain is it normal to crank the engine lets say 30 seconds at least for cold start ?
Hi Mark. Fixed your Gilera yet? Does the engine rev up without you opening the trottle?
If so, you have a crankcase airleak, not a faulty carb setup.
Often, the cause is the crankshaft sealings. Try spraying starter fluid / carb cleaner ie towards the sealings when its running before it bogs. If it does’nt bog when applying starter fluid, its the sealings.
Good old mechanic trick:)
Trond, Norway
’02 Piaggio Zip Athena Evo 80cc, blueprint++
Great stuff guys well done !
Keep it up :)
I have noticed that you missed some biger diferences
1. Diferent porting of the intake canals on the cilinder side
2. Cone where the wather pump comes is for a couple of angles diferent than the old version
Hy.I have a 1995 Piaggio Typhoon.My transmission overheated and broke.
Now with this ocassion,i want to swap the old engine with hyper 2 Water Cooled and disk brake.
Wikipedia says that any Hyper 2 engine since 1998 can be water or air cooled (depending on the version it is built as) the same beeing true with disk brakes.
I can all the engine can be converted but not all have disk from the factory.
I also need to use a bigger wheel to have space for the disk.
Is the disk hydralic (like the front) or cable ?
Thus,what engine do i have to search for Hyper 2 or Hyper 2 pro (is second i heard are used only in race scooters thus is very rare and expensive even used) ?
Any engine since 1998 used on NRG (wich also has factory mounted bigger wheels) or specificly search for Hyper 2 PRO version ?
Hi, I’m looking at the latest Malossi torque driver (the red one in aluminium) for a zip sp LC, it states only for the short crankcase, which one is this in your photos?
Mine is the upper crankcase in your pics, so why do Malossi refer to a short crankcase?
can i put a hyper-2 cylinder kit onto a hyper-4 block
Great read, but i have a totally different question i hope you can help me with.
Do you know if the Piaggio Typhoon 50cc and 80cc engines are similar, as in can they take the same parts, like clutches, gear wheels, crank?
or is it a totally separate beast altogether.
Voy a ajustar las informaciones.
Hiper1 Tiene los canales del carter mas grandes,en la toma de admision donde esta la caja de laminas el hyper2 es mas pequeño,un tope que no se puede desmontar.
Por lo general son iguales,pero la version hyper2 cumplia la directiva euro3,por lo que viene mas limitado en todo.
En mi humilde opinion,el motor hiper1 de runner o energy es el motor mas potente que se fabrico para 49cc. ademas es una perfecta base para preparaciones a altisimo nivel,hoy en dia en los campeonatos italianos como malossi cup o polini cup,el 70% de las motos son zip sp1.
Great read. Having a new Vespa with 2017 Hi-per2 engine I am wondering is the mechanism explained in tnis article
with the small 0.8″ piston and the dual-cave carbs still in the later Hi-Per2 engines?
the article deals with the Vespa ET2 Iniezione C12 and the C122M engine.
Nobody realy wants to ride this engine which made one problem after the other when it s getting older. Piaggio called this engine 50ccm D. I. FAST (Fully Atomized Stratified Turbulence)
Nice article, but its not so easy with the engines from the Piaggio Group as Daniel described here.
NRG, Runner, TPH, Stalker used the long engine housing, ZIP, ET2, Sfera and so on used the short one.
I believe for the long engine housing four different Versions exists and for the short housing three.
For example, early ET2 (engine C162M) has a ball bearing in the block for the primary shaft, no one in the cover. They also have the slotted hole for the ignition wiring, but oil dipstick and drain plug screw on the same side at the bottom of the housing.
Later C162M engines has all features of the HI-PER 2 engine but still the slotted hole for the ignition wiring.
Hi Daniel and the whole company.
I have a Derbi Boulevard 2T 2011 (Hi-PER2) I would like a bit more energy for steep slopes.
Is there any trim rate.
Hello everybody. I got piaggio fly 2t 2005 and the engine its way diferent than this 2. Gearbox is diferent and opens from wheel, brake side. Can you help me to find out what is this for kinde engine. Thank you.